Friday, 19 June 2015

Gun Control And The United States

How long is it going to be before the United States wakes up to the idea of gun control?  In the space of about a week there has been the report of both a 3-year-old shooting himself and a 21-year-old shooting people in a church.  Is this really what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they framed the Second Amendment?  I have no idea what they had in mind when they enshrined "the right to bear Arms" into the Constitution of the United States, but I cannot imagine that it was a hellish reality where civilians can obtain guns and commit random killings when "the silicon chip inside [their] head gets switched to overload" and the worst thing that happens to a white cop who kills an unarmed black person is that he loses his job.

Is there some reason why America fears gun control?  If so, what is it?  I might be wrong and they might not fear it.  But the fact that America does not have stringent gun control after over 200 years does rather suggest that they have a problem with it.  So I have to ask, how many more people have to die at the altar of "the right to bear Arms" before the Land of the Free finally realises that this system just is not working for them?  After 200-odd years, haven't enough people died already?  Or is it going to take another 200 more years before gun control laws are finally passed.  I hope not.  But only America can decide that.

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